Intercessory Prayer

St. William Intercessory Prayer Team

Jesus instructs us in Matthew 18: 19-20, “Again, amen, I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father.  For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

In that spirit, the St. William Intercessory Prayer Team was established with members who have a particular gift of the Holy Spirit for prayer and a calling to pray for the needs of others.  For more information or to submit a request for prayer, contact Scott Geoffrey, @

Prayer intentions directed to our team by anyone who has a specific need of God’s assistance receive an initial two-week long cycle in the daily prayer petitions of each individual team member.  Currently, that’s about 20 people committed to praying daily for the needs of anyone who submits a request.  The team is also constantly open for membership expansion.  If a particular need persists, another two-week cycle may be requested and again as needed. 

Prayer requests come into our group either through a written note left in one of the petition boxes in the tower entrances of the church (collected after the final Mass each Sunday), through the St. William Parish website link at any time (particularly useful for immediately urgent needs), or by in-person contact with one of our team members.  Members receive every prayer request via a dedicated personal email address that they monitor and review as they start their daily prayers.  Requests are often submitted anonymously or the requester may provide a name with their need.  All requests are kept confidential within the team.  If you are often a “go-to” person for other people asking you to pray for them, consider joining this ministry.

There is power in prayer to God.  There is particular power in group intercessory prayer.  If you believe you have a gift and calling to pray for others, please consider joining The St. William Intercessory Prayer Team.

For more information or to submit a request for prayer, contact Scott Geoffrey, @