St. William Parish, Walled Lake


Parish Mission: To live the Good News so joyfully, we can't help but proclaim it!


Parish Goal:  To become an Amazing Parish that fosters discipleship and equips disciples to share the Good News.

Pastor's Column






In my column about a month ago I mentioned the need for balance in our lives. One way to achieve that balance is by taking time out to get away from the demands of work or our typically frenetic schedules—and take time to slow down, relax with the Lord, and maybe watch a sunset. In fact, my idea of a vacation is not to frantically keep up with an itinerary of places to see and things to do. Do you remember the movie, “If this is Tuesday, this must be Belgium”? Although sometimes just a change of scenery and visiting new places can bring perspective and be enjoyable for some, for me, I just want to find calm.

I am on vacation for 3 weeks and a total of 4 weekends. Say a prayer that it be a time of refreshment and renewal for me. I’ll need that since things always seem to pick up around the parish after Labor Day.

Should you wish to read more , CLICK HERE. 

In Jesus,

Rev. Michael G. Savickas Pastor

Adult Faith Formation

Coming Soon!
Adult Faith Formation Calendar for 2024-25.
Bible Studies, Book Studies, and weekend community opportunities for growth in your relationship with the Lord.
Stay Tuned!

OCIA Classes Beginning

Becoming Catholic

OCIA New classes begin in September; classes are forming now. If you are interested in becoming Catholic,  or  have  not

completed all your sacraments of initiation, (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation) or are just interested in learning more about your Catholic faith, please contact Deacon Mike at the Rectory, 248-624-1421.

For more on Becoming Catholic CLICK HERE.

Knights In Action

Knights of Columbus to Hold Voter Registration Drive

In keeping with the Knights of Columbus’ focus on Patriotism and Civic Involvement, St. William of Vercelli  Council  4064  is  announcing  a  ‘Voter Registration Drive’ to make sure that all members of the Parish are registered to vote before the November 5th Election.

The Knights will have tables in the Activity Center the weekend of September 14th & 15th after ALL Masses with volunteers to assist in the registration process. Registration takes about 10 minutes and don’t worry about what city you live in, the Knights are working with various city/ township Clerks within the Parish Boundary to get you registered.

It’s your Patriotic Duty as a United States Citizen to vote, so make sure you are registered!

Follow this link to see what our Knights Council is doing!


Altar Server Schedle

Summer Altar Server Schedule

Click here to sign up at SignUpGenius.

Kerygma - Explained

In a recent Homily, Father expounded on the concept of the Kerygma.  To learn more, follow this LINK. 

Repair & Rebuild UPDATE!

Over $350,000!  Thank you to all 343 contrbutors. 

Still a good ways to go to reach out minimum target!  Please consider if you can do anything more in September.  

Please continue to pray that those who are "yet to give" join with us in our effor to "repair and rebuild."

Summer of '24: Repair & Rebuild



Summer ‘24:  Our campaign to Repair and Rebuild … can only succeed if we do this together!

Please take a look at this SHORT PRESENTATION which shows what we seek to accomplish. 

Every family is being asked to make a gift at a sacrificial level that reflects their commitment to the Parish and its Mission.

Periodic (quarterly, monthly) payments are almost always easier for most people.  Even people who have already made a “one-time” gift might consider whether the Lord is asking them supplement their gift with periodic contributions, which are easy to set up on our secure website.  Our office staff can help. 

All pledges need to be  in place by September in order to get permission to start construction.

We've found an even easier way to make a pledge, especially if you are not comfortable with navigating the online giving platform.  CALL 1 888-331-8695 and “friendly operators will be happy to take your pledge”.  (I just made up that last quote.)

THANK YOU AGAIN to our “advance donors” who have covered the required target.  All subsequent donations will go entirely to our “Repair and Rebuild” campaign. 

If you’ve already pledged, THANKYOU!  And please PRAY for those who have yet to give.  If you have not yet pledged, know that you are being prayed for! 

Still, we need everyone to do what they can and make a sacrificial gift, if we are to be successful.  We’re in this together.  It’s our parish.  Remember, every dollar now stays with the parish!   To DONATE online to this effort, please follow this link. 

For some practical advice on how to pledge through the CSA site, click here.

God bless you!



Confessions This Week

Confession Schedule This Week


Adoration Opportunity

Beginning September 15th, 2024, St William Parish will be having Eucharistic Adoration from 2 to 4PM every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. The Adoration will close with Benediction. The 1st half hour will be reserved for young children called “Restless Adoration.” We all know children are “ restless” and this gives children an opportunity to be “ restless “ with Jesus, doing little activities focused on Jesus in the Eucharist.  The adoration time is intended to be a time for all St William parish members to spend additional time with the Lord.

Catholic Women's Conference

Michigan Catholic Women’s Conference

Greetings women of all ages of the parish! As a Coordinator of Adult Education here at St. William, I would like to endorse the Catholic Women’s Conference advertised below. I have been participating in this conference for the past several years, and it has been inspiring for my faith life. It offers ways to live as a Catholic woman in the real world. Day to day!

Maybe this is not “the kind of thing” you typically like to do. That’s okay. Being comfortable where we are in our faith does not challenge us, and therefore we do not grow. In your prayers this evening, ask God to speak to you. I guarantee He will speak to your heart and let you know His will for you.

If you have questions about registering, or if you need a little push to hit the button, give me a call, or send me an email, ... 313-623-8149

Praising God with Gratitude, Lisa Powaser

St. Monica Club

St. Monica Club @ St. William

Has Someone You Love Left the Faith

Do you have a child, sibling, parent, or spouse that has left the faith or refuses to enter it?  Do you feel hopeless in the battle to save your loved one’s soul?

Join us once a month on Monday evenings from 6:30-7:30PM in the church. We will gather as a faith community to call on the intercession of saints that have gone before us.


For more information CLICK HERE. 

St. William Mass Schedule

Regular Mass Schedule:

  • Weekend Masses:  Saturday 4:30pm   Sunday 10:00am (Livestreamed) and 12:30pm

  • Weekday Masses: Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 8:00am

  • Holy Days of Obligation: 8:00am, 12:00pm, 7:30pm

  • Confessions: Announced weekly

For another great source of inspiration, watch this VIDEO


Prayers of the Faithful


Sunday August 25th, 2024

With faith in the One He has sent, we place our petitions before our God.

    • For the spread of the Gospel, and that we all may take seriously the call to evangelize, let us pray to the Lord.
    • For an increase in vocations to the priesthood, that we might always have priests to lead us in the celebration of Mass, let us pray to the Lord. 
    • For an end to the culture of violence in our country—and for tolerance and civility within our political discussions—let us pray to the Lord.
    • For an end to ALL wars and conflicts, let us pray to the Lord. 
    • For God’s blessing upon our parish campaign to fund repairs and improvements this summer, let us pray to the Lord. 
    • For students returning to school: for their safety, and that, guided by the Holy Spirit, they may always be filled with the excitement of learning, let us pray to the Lord.

To read more, follow THIS LINK. 

FORMED @ St. William Pariish


FORMED is here at St. William Parish!

What is FORMED? It’s the Catholic “NETFLIX” and more, and we have made it FREE to all parishioners!

Explore and Enjoy! 

Watch and see what's on this week!  
Sign up for daily reflections here.

CYO Volleyball


St. William Dads’ Club would like to extend an invitation to young athletes to join the fun and excitement of girls volleyball. 

We plan to start practices in August with a volleyball camp likely the 1st week in August, the week before the season starts. Practice schedules will be determined by each team's coaching staff. Stay tuned for more details on practices and camp.

For more information, CLICK HERE.

Registration is open to young girls who will be in the 3rd through 8th grade this fall. We are also looking for volunteers interested in helping to coach (or assist) our volleyball athletes. If you are interested, contact our athletic director at


CYO allows girls volleyball programs for Junior Varsity (5/6th grade) and Varsity (7/8th grade), which we hope to be able to offer based on interest. For 3rd and 4th graders we run an Intramural program.

Each player must be baptized Catholic or attend a Catholic school. Players from the following surrounding area of St. William Parish can be accepted to our teams: Holy Family Novi, Prince of Peace West Bloomfield, St. Mary Milford, St. Thomas West Bloomfield, and Holy Spirit Highland. If you have a question or need clarification contact our athletic director at For registration please go to the basketball page under the Athletics & Club tab at the St. William Dads' Club website,

Discipleship Opportunities

"Father, you call me to serve, and I know that Christian service means givng of my time and my talents - both gifts from you Lord. Give me the grace to collaborate with Christ your Son in the salvation of souls by offering others what you have given so gratiously to me. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Out of love for Christ and because we are all "called to serve," please examine these opportunities to serve Him and our Parish. 

Catholic Services Appeal

CSA 2024-2025 HAS BEGUN...  


To donate to "Repair & Rebuild" through CSA 2024, please click BELOW.

CSA 2024 Giving Link

We've contacted some advance donors who are excited and engaged with our repair and rebuild efforts—WE HAVE COVERED OUR CSA REQUIRED DONATION!  THANK YOU ALL. 

That means that EVERYTHING ELSE will go to "Repair & Rebuild" St. William Parish. 

The link will take you directly to our CSA donation page at the Archdiocese of Detroit where you can either set up a pledge.  Again, to pledge on-line just follow this LINK.


For so many working Christians, it’s too easy to get overwhelmed by the distractions of daily living.

The 3-Minute Reset is a simple, daily discipline focused on spending a moment in thought and prayer, and rediscovering the peace that is always available to us. Hosted by Pat Lencioni and Chris Stefanick. 

To listen to the 3-Minute Reset Podcasts,  CLICK HERE. 



Grief Ministry


We cannot escape the love of God! We also cannot escape grief. So many people are suffering from the loss of a loved one, loss of  job, or the loss of a relationship.  Grief takes many forms.  One thing we know for sure about grief is that love is healing.

Matthew 5:4: “Blessed are those who mourn, for
they will be comforted.”

Would you please consider joining us in Grief Ministry at St. William Parish?  The only thing you need to be part of this ministry is to love our Lord. READ MORE HERE. Please reach out to me with any questions. 

Lisa Powaser
cell number @313-623-8149
Adult Education Formation Cooridinator

Intercessory Prayers

Jesus instructs us in Matthew 18: 19-20, “Again, amen, I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father.  For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

LEARN MORE about the St. William Intercessory Prayer Team.   

Directily submit prayer requests here:

Learn more about Intercessory Prayer in this video. 

Missionary Discipleship and Stewardship

As we continue a new year of missionary discipleship, we hope that you prayerfully consider a deeper committment to stewardship and all the mission work we need to do. 

Your generosity overfunded our CSA target so we will be receiving a nice refund, but we need each of you to consider if you can do a bit more to financially support our good works.  Just $5 per week from each  of you could add nearly $200,000 to our budget. 

God bless you all. 

Click here or on the logo above to make a one-time or monthly gift now!

Office Hours

Monday 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.
Tuesday 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.
Wednesday 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.
Thursday 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.
Friday 9:00a.m. to 12:00p.m.
