Prayers of the Faithful

Sunday July 21st, 2024

Our Father cares for us and has concern for all our needs.  With confidence we place our petitions before the Father.  

  • For the spread of the Gospel, and that we all might more fully embrace our mission of joyful evangelization, let us pray to the Lord. 
  • For an increase in vocations to the priesthood, and that those called might respond eagerly, let us pray to the Lord. 
  • For a deeper appreciation of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and for those parishioners who have fallen away from the regular practice of their Faith, that they may be drawn back to share the Eucharist with us, let us pray to the Lord. 
  • For those Catholics who have fallen away from regular participation in Sunday Mass, that they may be drawn back to share the Eucharist with us, let us pray to the Lord. 
  • For a greater respect in our society for human life; for an end to the culture of violence in our country—and for tolerance and civility within our political discussions—let us pray to the Lord.
  • For an end to antisemitism and all racial hatreds, for peace in the Middle East, and for an end to ALL wars and conflicts, let us pray to the Lord. 
  • For God’s blessing upon our parish campaign to fund repairs and improvements this summer, let us pray to the Lord. 
  • We’ll take a moment in silent prayer now for the intentions of the persons around us…let us pray to the Lord.
  • For all the sick of our parish, and for those who care for them, remembering especially…

Kathleen Danielson         Yvonne Lessard                      Rubbie Calvert

Richard Duran                 Carmin Clute

…let us pray to the Lord.

  • For those who have died, that the mercy of God may embrace them, remembering especially Mike Karner and Thomas Lutz, let us pray to the Lord. 

Father, you know our needs, and in your compassion, you sent your son to be our Shepherd and King.  Hear our prayers, for we ask all this in the name of Jesus, who is Lord forever and ever.  Amen.