Let's start a discussion.

Have you ever had an "encounter" moment?  Tell us about it.  Just scroll down to post. 


  • Chris WernerPosted on 11/22/23

    Thank you for sharing my friends.

  • Erika W.Posted on 11/21/23

    My life changed one day in Adoration when I came before the Lord as a desperate sinner, and He comforted me. Jesus revealed to me that he understood my loneliness and pain because he had experienced the same thing in the garden before arrest and crucifixion. Because of this I knew I was not alone, and my life would change forever. I was brought out of the depths of despair and slowly, over time, I was freed from the habitual sin I had been a slave to.

    Ericka W.

  • Erin B.Posted on 11/21/23

    I know that God speaks to everyone in a different way.
    I was living my life, on my own terms, and looking forward to retirement from teaching. I had big plans – travel, spend time with grandkids, maybe even volunteer. I was born and raised Catholic but had put my faith “on the back burner” as I had many other things which were more pressing. Until I got a wake-up call from God.

    My 38-year-old son died unexpectedly leaving behind a wife and two young daughters. I was devastated and moved through life in a fog for a couple of months. One night, as I lay sobbing that I could not go on, I heard my husband praying for me. It was then that I felt a sense of peace come over me – kind of like Jesus laid a big warm blanket over my body. I knew then that He would be with me on my “way back” to life and to the church. On several occasions - since that night – I have had some rough moments, but I know that He is there guiding me and watching over me.

    Erin B.