St. William Young Adult Group
“Navigating a Faithful Adulthood Together”
As our lives are moving forward, the world has become more secularized. Adults are faced with trials and temptations that come with modern day influence. So, how can we decide where we draw the line between acceptance and our faithful beliefs? How can we become more prepared to be accurate representatives of God’s love? How do we know who God wants us to be? Beginning this year, St. William will be gathering young adults from the ages of 18 to 35 to form a young adult group. We will meet weekly at St.
William as a group, discussing modern day topics, and building tools with our backgrounds and personal faith, that we can use to maintain a strong relationship with God in such a complex and distracting world. The group will be free of judgment, run by young adults, and totally fixed on the goal to guide each other into becoming the people God created us to be.
For more information, please contact Young Adult Leader Shannon Geoffrey,